Against Securities

Access cash
and retain investments

Secure the liquidity you need without liquidating your assets. allowing you to maintain your investment portfolio while addressing immediate financial needs. 

Real estate investment

How can loans against securities unlock your financial potential?

A loan against security is a type of secured loan where you use your financial assets, such as stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, as collateral to borrow money. This allows you to access funds without selling your investments. The lender evaluates the value of the securities and provides a loan based on a percentage of their current market value.


Loans against securities unlock your financial potential by providing immediate liquidity while preserving your investment portfolio.


Frequently asked questions on Financial planning

What is a Loan Against Securities?

A loan against securities is a facility where you can pledge your securities, such as shares, mutual funds or bonds, to avail of a loan without having to sell them.

What is the interest rate for loans against securities?

Interest rates for LAS vary based on the lender, the type of securities, and market conditions. They are generally lower than unsecured personal loans.

What happens if the value of my securities falls during the loan period?

If the market value of the pledged securities falls below a certain threshold, the lender may ask you to provide additional securities or repay a part of the loan.

Which types of securities can I pledge for the loan?

Commonly accepted securities include shares, mutual fund units, bonds, government securities, and insurance policies.

How much may I borrow using my securities?

The loan amount depends on the value and type of securities you pledge; typically, it ranges from 50% to 80% of the market value of the securities.